Thursday, 10 October 2013


The annual SPORE Art Salon HALLOWEEN EDITION is here again.

Featuring both local and international creepers -
BLU SIMON WASEM \ musician and performance artist based in Korea
KELVIN ATMADIBRATA \ performance artist based in Indonesia
WE JUNGLE \ visual arts collective based in Singapore
MARLA BENDINI \ performance artist from Singapore
BECCA D'BUS \ featured drawing model and performance artist from Singapore
TONY KERN \ maker of local horror movies

It is going to be a total creep fest happening at ARTISTRY, the new home of the SPORE Art Salon editions. Come get creeped out with us. Tuesday 29 October.
See you. Or else...

WHERE : Artistry at 17 Jalan Pinang, Singapore
WHEN : Tuesday 29 October 2013 7:30PM onwards
$10 donation / guest
proceeds benefit SPORE Art Salon featured artists



Hey guys, an update to the line up of the Halloween Edition, and a piece of unfortunate news - Jakarta based performance artist Kelvin Atmadibrata will no longer be presenting '鬼子‘ (Toyol, 'kwee kia', or Child Ghost) next Tuesday. He was denied entry to Singapore, no thanks to certain discriminative laws we practice here.
鬼子 the performance is meant to explore the theme of infant morality in relation to the adult's intention. The performance also involves local artists Terry Wee, Liu Wenchao and Luca. For more information about Kelvin's work, visit his website here -


(musician/performance artist)
I started to dedicate myself to experimental music since 2007, in Brazil, but soon my interest in interdisciplinary practices became bigger. 2009 I did my first performance in a collective exhibition called 40’, just before leaving to Europe for a tour of experimental  music. 2010 I settled in Lisbon, where I play several concerts and participate of performances collective and solo, and also artistic residencies. 2011 moved to Brno, Czech Republic, and 2012 finally to South East Asia, where I resided for short period in Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and South Korea until present. In actual moment I am focused in music Performance and Video art.

(performance artist)
Kelvin Atmadibrata (b.1988, Jakarta, Indonesia) examines the notion of strength and power of rejects. He transmits this interest by creating personas based on of RPG (Role Playing Game) characters and narratives.
His practice includes drawings, mixed media, installation and performance. Constantly researching into the notion of gender and sexuality, Kelvin pays particular attention to masculine attributes, queer culture and erotica. This is reflected on a long-term initiative, rainbowartsproject (RAP). It focuses on queer subjects in forms of exhibitions, documentations and researches.
Currently, Kelvin is based in Jakarta, Indonesia after completing Bachelor of Fine Art (Hons) from School of Art, Design and Media in Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

(art collective)
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TONY KERN (filmmaker)
Singapore-based Tony Kern is the director for Mythopolis Pictures and the stock footage portal TK Time-Lapse.   His work includes the feature length horror movie HAUNTED CHANGI.   He is currently chipping away at another feature horror movie AFTERIMAGES, which revolves around a group of international students in Singapore that burn paper effigy cameras for the spirits and receive a collection of spooky films in return.  The no-budget short STAY was shot in one day during a visit back to his hometown in Ohio with a consumer camera.

STAY 8mins
An amatuer photographer spends the day exploring an "old spooky house in the middle of nowhere" all the while promising his family that he won't stay there much longer.  One room in the old house holds a peculiar fascination for the trespasser and soon day turns to night…

Director's Note -
Have you ever had the curious urge to visit the inside of one of those strange solitary old abandoned houses in the countryside?  Here's your chance.  Shot in one day in the midwestern countryside, STAY follows a solitary interloper into the belly of a creaky old house and takes you on a brief little legend trip into a haunted house.

MARLA BENDINI (performance artist)
"Marla Bendini” was created in 2007 as an amalgamation between art and life, to explore multiple liminal identities and fluidity in perspectives. Her multidisciplinary approach towards this amalgamation has become a signature form of hypervisibilty, using the existing politicized body as a catalyst and vehicle for further discourse. She seeks to both engage and disarm audiences and to bridge the present to what she envisions to be an inevitable trans/post-human condition.


...full details coming your way!